Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Chester TON

I'm starting to think I should pay closer attention to the stuff my dad likes...because GK Chesterton is an amazing writer and I knew he liked him for a long time, but it wasn't until I came across a reference to him in Blue Like Jazz that I actually desired to read him. Could have cut to the chase a long time ago...

"Poetry sits at peace in an infinite sea, reason tries to cross the infinite sea and make it finite, the result is mental exhaustion. The poet sits with his head in the heavens and is at rest, the scientist tries to fit heaven into his head and it splits."



Gabby said...


Bryan Cox said...

Hey dude sorry couldnt come see you this weekend, had to fit in the family

The Ward Wide Web said...

Chesterton is witty and wise. If you like to ponder human nature, I recommend The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker.