Friday, October 24, 2008

Christendom is Dead...

I'm sure most of you already knew this, since you're reading a blog, and therefore know how to use a computer.

It held on a long time, more than a thousands years, but I think I can say without a doubt, that it is dead.

The vibrant communities of faith that exist in asia and africa do so without any political clout or authority or cultural popularity.

But more relevant to where we are now.

Christianity in America needs to stop acting as if it has some sort of fortress of moral superiority to protect. The castle doesn't exist anymore, the fact that what it was made out to be never existed either is beside the point.

Statistics show no difference in lifestyle between a Christian and the average secular individual. Whatever checks and balances on pop culture that used to exist are either ignored or gone (consider last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy).

I would like to drag this out longer, but I need to get home and get some sleep. I'll close with the punchline,

However long it took for it to die, I'm glad it finally did.


Bryan Cox said...

"Christianity in America needs to stop acting as if it has some sort of fortress of moral superiority to protect. The castle doesn't exist anymore"

Ditto to all.

Gabby said...

WOW, I have missed out on some great reading! g