Saturday, October 11, 2008

Jim's Book, Stephanie's dog, King's concert, My life...

I've been reading my pastor's book The Leper's Among Us about homosexuality and the church. It's got a lot of good insight, and as he has actually ministered to several men in the church who now have families (not, as the book says, that heterosexual marriage is a benchmark for a "recovering" homosexual) his writings don't sound distanced or preachy.

Jim has a lot to say, and though the spoiled reader in me wants flashier, shinier, better produced presentation, the content of this book is fantastic.

Now for something completely different...

We are getting a dog today! He's an australian shepherd-lab mix and named...this is awesome beyond all reason...Chewbacca, or Chewie for the less nerdy.

I think home church is already having positive impact on me and only after two weeks! I am becoming more caring about other people (the term other-oriented is too soulless for me, essentially, I give a shit now).

What is the best thing about putting yourself last? All this other cool stuff gets some airtime for starters, and as anybody who has a shred of honesty in them knows, it's the self that derails the happy train faster than anything else.

For instance, I really really wanted to go see the Kings of Leon at the end of this month, they're one of my favorite bands and the supporting lineup has another fave (the stills, both are in this month's playlist).

I have plenty of money to do so, but I decided to do something special for my wife instead, she has no idea how awesome this Christmas is going to be...but doing it sapped any of my spare cash for the next few months.

I won't be buying any more records til next year probably, and the concert is definitely out. But do I miss either of those things?

The answer is simple, I don't miss those things nearly as much as I look forward to the look on Lacey's face this December.

1 comment:

Gabby said...

You are becoming a man. I am very proud of you! So proud that I too am looking forward to seeing the look on your face in December! Special people deserve special surprises! Now let Lacey put her books and blankets where she wants them:) g