Sunday, January 18, 2009

Keepin' Andrew Wierd...

I'm posting for the first time as an Austinite. Although I don't know if I qualify now, or when I actually possess a for real physical address, or when I start slapping ecologically concerned bumper stickers on my car. I'll have to ask some genuine natives how that works.

I've gotten settled in to my room at my aunt and uncle's (and by settled in, I mean I alphabetized my row of dvd's in the closet, some things will never change). I've also completed a short list of things I forgot, for your entertainment...

1. All forms of notebook/paper/things-to-write-on-in-school-because-that-is-what-you-do-in-school...idiot.

2. Half of my ties (I don't know how this happened, they are all kept in one spot, which really means two places: the spot, and a space on the floor two feet from the spot, I guess I forgot to check the floor).

3. The video cable to my gamecube (granted, this is probably a blessing in disguise, no matter how much I may need to unwind over the next week or two, time will probably be better spent not shotgunning zombies).

4. Speaking of Zombies, my copy of World War Z, the best book ever made, about zombies and hard journalism anyway.

In spite of my seven or eight trips between the house and my car I still managed to forget some stuff. I did however get to say goodbye to my wife a couple dozen times, which was good.

By good, I mean I like goodbye, and not in the literal sense, as in "I enjoy being away from my family" more like, I enjoy being reunited with my family after being separated for a time. So, I'm praying the apartment/moving situation will be quickly and smoothly resolved.

My uncle warned me, as we were watching the tail end of the AFC championship game, as I was complaining about the illogical class scheduling of UT, that I should be prepared to not be the smartest kid in the class.

Now I haven't really thought about that honestly, but I realized, that I really am most likely going to get pimp-slapped over the next few weeks. By school (you don't become one of the top schools in the nation by offering classes that are easy to pass), by a new job, by being away from my family, etc. I've got a lot to learn it would seem.

Oh well, the more I learn, the less I won't know.


Gabby said...

Learning is good! And you are becoming an expert at it from what I have witnessed! Loved our time with De Tella! See you soon! G

somekindarobot said...

Good Luck honey!

I put pictures on our blog for you.

Lacey <3