"When I saw that Obama won, I cried like a baby, now you've got to understand, I didn't read about the civil rights movement in some history book, I only went to an integrated school my last year of high school. I remember a time when I couldn't drink out of a water fountain if I wanted to. But now I know, cuz I can see, there's no difference between black or white. If you want to do something, it doesn't matter who you are, now I know that it's true."
I understand now how hard it is for anyone who hasn't been on the recieving end of social injustice, bigotry, or outright hatred to really empathize with the emotions felt by a lot of people Tuesday night. I'd like to thank Roy for helping me understand the significance of this week.
wow...walk a mile in the shoes of someone else. huh?
I just felt bad about my initial reaction to responses like that, basically that there was something wrong responding in that way. When for those who did respond that way, it was totally appropriate.
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