Saturday, June 14, 2008

Zombies are voting for John McCain...

To deter them I've come up with my own top five reasons to vote for Barack Obama (from the interweb, with pictures!):

5. Just look at him. A man with ears that big can't be evil.
4. John McCain hasn't been on the cover of Rolling Stone
3. He doesn't have years of D.C. political experience
2. Chief Media Advisor to McCain won't run against him
1. Bob Dylan Says To

Ahhhhh, politics. Of course, in this state we vote for the Re-publican. More so here than anywhere else (except New York and California) your vote in the election, really any election, is largely symbolic. Which to my mind means that we should think about who we vote for, I remember when I went with my mom to vote back in 2004, after we finished we talked about how we voted and my mom admitted to having just picked the republican on all the minor candidates after voting to re-elect Bush. I remember I voted for Bush because I didn't believe in voting for nobody and I couldn't vote for Jay Leno's cousin. I also voted straight party. I've since decided to be an informed voter (although the cynic in me wonders whether the information I'm being fed is unbiased truth). This election has been an exciting one, although it's been a drag waiting for the snow queen to bow out. I could go on and on but my point is that you should have better (and by better I mean more educated) reasons for voting for whoever you vote for. That top five list is cute, but none of those reasons mean anything, except for number 1, that one means a lot...I'm not even sure I'm kidding, I mean, if Jesus sent word from heaven that thou shall vote for Barack Obama I would find that endorsement more convincing, but not many earthly people have the power to sway my opinion like Bob Dylan (he changed my daughter's name for goodness sake!).

P.S. John McCain really is a good guy (or at least he was before he got the nomination), check him and Barack out to see what you think before you tell everybody else how they should think.

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