Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Denominational Debauchery: Round Two

Churches of Christ:
"God's Meanest Children"

I've been asking this question of denominational members over the last few years, and it's for the most part proved helpful in either writing them off or identifying with them. Unfortunately for the Churches of Christ, the question is "What is your cliché? and the answer has almost unanimously been "We are the only one's going to heaven."

Apparently taking scriptures out of context, like "wide is the path that leads to destruction and narrow the path that leads to salvation" would have been a more appropriate answer to the question.

Of course, we ended our discussion of Baptists with the point that sectarian isolationism was what helped preserve doctrinal truths in the evangelical church. However, in the case of the Churches of Christ, sectarian isolationism has resulted in a combative attitude and a legalistic piety that has a lot of similarities, not to the first century church they cling to but rather the enemies of the first century church. Namely the Pharisees.

Claims that start with "You have to do this to be saved or you're not saved" always end up confusing the issue and rarely result in a relationship with Jesus.
Like I (meaning Matt Chandler said it and I ripped him off) said before, manipulation and control may sometimes achieve the desired result, but always at the expense of genuine relationship.

I don't want to seem like I'm being unfairly harsh towards the C of C, most of my jabs at the Baptists may appear light in comparison to these accusations.

But really, if you don't reach out because you think you're the only one who is right, or you don't reach out because you're uncomfortable with changing your methodology, you're still not reaching out.

The other thing the Church of Christ has to carry around as baggage is that ridiculous battle over instrumentation in worship. And the logic being that the first century didn't have musical instruments. Well, ok, if we did everything they did in the first century we'd all be sleeping with our moms, getting drunk during communion, and suing each other. The idea that the first century church was some sort of idyllic image of Christian living is absurd. You want to see a church that embodies first century values? We have them all around us. The only difference between this church and the first century one? Integrity, the sinful practices of the first century church weren't swept under the rug so they could appear pious and walk in self-righteousness. They didn't have any example to follow, they were the first draft so to speak. We however, have years of study, practice, and experience to look back on.

Next time we'll take a look at the Assemblies of God. If you removed the "embli" you'd get a better picture, but more on that tomorrow.


Gabby said...

Ouch! Even I would say something nice about them and they have wounded me far more than they have you. Still good stuff though...

Gabby said...

And Eph 5 is the best way to refute the idea of no instruments...not the sin of Corinth (since we ARE following their example too in many ways actually) Eph says how to exhort each other in song and it lists three different ways to do it. CofC has ignored all but one of the ways and hung its hat on the last few words of the verse. And in all fairness even God says their is a "have to" to salvation. (believe)...I think the restoration movement (where CofC came from) is really what you are a part of Drew...a new restoring Christianity to its non denominational roots...the CofC screwed it up for sure but that is where they started...trying to get rid of Denominations...trying to stick to the Bible only...they have always been elder governed. Beware you don't follow in their foot steps. Let history teach you a lesson here. Not that I don't agree with you...I actually do. And I love ya!